Private buildings and their juridical context in the Byzantine Near East
Palabras clave:
Private buildings, Roman law, Julian of Ascalon's Treaties, Near East, Constitution of Zeno.Resumen
Private buildings were the object of regulations already in the Law of XII Tablets, and in polis in classical Greece but it is only from the Byzantine period that we have preserved more detailed regulations, both in the imperial constitutions and in local laws from the Near East - Liber Syro-Romanus and, above all, in Julian of Ascalon’s Treatise. The last one is the longest and the most complex collection of rules concentrated exclusively on private buildings and their parts characteristic of the Near Eastern constructions – a courtyard, a flat roof used for many domestic activities, balconies, windows etc. We find there a very detailed description of the regulations concerning construction, renovation and maintenance of the houses and their appurtenances. Thanks to all of these sources we receive an exhaustive picture of the Near East domestic architecture of the Byzantine period in its juridical context.
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Derechos de autor 2012 Revista da Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de São Paulo

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