Neutralization of tetanic toxine by hydro-soluble Chlorophyll
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Confirming the studies of F onseca R ibeiro and Guimarães, the authors showed besides that with a contact for 15 minutes, 0.5 ml. of hydro-soluble chlorophyll at 1% neutralizes 500 M.L.D. of tetanic toxine; that 100 ml. of tetanic toxine (concentration of 1 ml. = 15,000 M.L.D. guinea pigs) in contact with 1,0 g. of hydro-soluble chlorophyll in the incubator at 37ºC. loses completely its toxicity in from 8 to 10 days, while still keeping its antigenic quality: 32 guinea pigs injected with 1 ml. each of this toxin, detoxicated by chlorophyll, were injected 30 days after with 5 and 10 M.L.D. of toxine, and 68.4% and 46.1%, respectively, survived; the light factor is of less importance than the lemperature factor (incubator 37ºC.) in the detoxication of tetanic toxine by the hydro-soluble chlorophyll process.Downloads
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Neutralization of tetanic toxine by hydro-soluble Chlorophyll. (1950). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária, Universidade De São Paulo, 4(2), 251-256.