About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal Gestão & Políticas Públicas is a biannual electronic academic journal aimed at the publication of original articles on management issues in public policies, preferably based on an interdisciplinary approach. Contributions to the journal's editorial board may come from different areas of knowledge, in view of the wide scope of application of management instruments in the scope of public policies. The editorial focus of the journal Gestão & Políticas Públicas is especially focused on the consideration of articles from research based on the analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative aspects of the multiple thematic dimensions of management in public policies. Some of the main thematic areas covered by the journal include: Public Administration, Public Policies, Public Sector Economics, Public Law, Evaluation of Social Programs and Public Policy Indicators, among others.

Peer Evaluation Process

Contributions submitted to Gestão & Políticas Públicas Journal will be submitted to peer review without identification of both parties.

Ethical Considerations

RG&PP requests that conflicts of interest, in the case of authors, should be declared at the time of manuscript submission in the Comments to

Editor section.

If there is an undeclared conflict of interest during the review process, the author(s) will be contacted for clarification. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be withdrawn by the Editor.

In case of a conflict of interest in an already published research, the article will be removed and the journal will publish a note explaining the reasons that led to such a decision. In addition, the author's association or institution of affiliation will be contacted to inform of the fact.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

The RG&PP does not charge any type of fees or values for submitting or publishing the manuscripts sent for evaluation and, eventually, published in our volumes.


The author(s) grant(s) an exclusive and unlimited license for first publication in Gestão & Políticas Públicas journal, edited with the support of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (Brazil). The article will be published under the CREATIVE COMMONS 4.0 International License.

Sources of Support

University of São Paulo - School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities

Group of Studies and Research in Political Psychology, Public Policies and Multiculturalism - GEPSIPOLIM - USP