Preventive education and health promotion in school:


  • Renato Barboza Instituto de Saúde - SES/SP; Universidade de São Paulo Author
  • Kátia Cibelle Machado Pirotta Instituto de Saúde - SES/SP Author
  • Ligia Rivero Pupo Instituto de Saúde - SES/SP Author



Considering the scarce scientific literature on sexual orientation in educational systems, we investigated the programs implemented by the Municipal Education Secretariat of São Paulo, in the years 2001-2006. The article aims to identify the concepts and difficulties of directors and pedagogical coordinators to developing sexual orientation actions at public schools. In the investigated period, three projects distinguished by duration and strong presence into the school network, constituting a privileged setting for the study of preventive education and health promotion among adolescents. We conducted a descriptive retrospective study of qualitative approach, with eight key informants who were interviewed in-depth. The main categories of analysis were: punctual actions in the sciences discipline; low empowerment, low legitimacy and teachers' resistance; advances perceived; assessment weaknesses; teachers' turnover high; and projects' discontinuity. The analysis showed structural and pedagogical difficulties. The actions often depended on the interests of the professionals to the detriment of a collective project. With the change of management, there was discontinuity of projects at schools. The study subsidizes the preventive education field and the health promotion, supporting the educators' know-how and provides opportunities to overcome the gaps in schools. 

Keywords: Public policies; Health education; Sex education; Program development; Health promotion.


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Author Biographies

  • Renato Barboza, Instituto de Saúde - SES/SP; Universidade de São Paulo

    Cientista Social, Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela Coordenadoria de Controle de Doenças/SES-SP, Doutorando em Psicologia Social e do Trabalho no Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Pesquisador Científico VI do Instituto de Saúde – SES/SP, Pesquisador do NEPAIDS e do GEPSIPOLIM, ambos da Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

  • Kátia Cibelle Machado Pirotta, Instituto de Saúde - SES/SP

    Cientista Social, Mestre e Doutora em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de São Paulo, Pesquisadora Científica VI do Instituto de Saúde – SES/SP.

  • Ligia Rivero Pupo, Instituto de Saúde - SES/SP

    Psicóloga, Mestre em Medicina Preventiva pela Universidade de São Paulo, Pesquisadora Científica V do Instituto de Saúde – SES/SP, Pesquisadora do NEPAIDS da Universidade de São Paulo.   






How to Cite

Barboza, R., Machado Pirotta, K. C., & Pupo, L. R. (2017). Preventive education and health promotion in school:. Management & Public Policies Journal, 7(1), 106-125.