Turismo Cultural e Policy Network: caracterização do modelo de negocio no municipio de Camarones, Região de Arica e Parinacota, Chile





Policy Network, Cultural Tourism, Business Model, Canvas Business Model, Commune of Camarones - Chile


The article presents the findings of research aimed at studying the situation of the cultural tourism activity from the perspective of the business models of the entrepreneurial network as a member of the policy network of the commune of Camarones, as inputs for a proposal for the elaboration of public policies of local governments. For such purposes, the distinctions of cultural tourism, business models as well as their relationship with the Communal Development Plan (Pladeco) are presented. The research methodology used was quantitative exploratory and the categories of analysis were constructed based on the variables of the Canvas Business Model, a strategic management tool that allows evaluating the design of a business in terms of its offer, customers, infrastructure, and financial situation of the business, in order to observe deficiencies and analyse the value delivered. As a result, it was possible to establish a characterization of the network of businesses operating in the commune of Camarones as well as a general evaluation of the process of designing business models, in terms of cultural tourism. Finally, it is concluded that the priority factors to be developed the tourism enterprises of the commune are basically three: a) cultural tourism product, b) associativity of the network, c) design of the associative business model, aspects that can be addressed in the elaboration of future communal development plans.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Acevedo-Mora, Universidad Europea del Atlántico

    Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile, postgraduate in Design, Management and Project Management from the Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Santander, Spain.


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How to Cite

Turismo Cultural e Policy Network: caracterização do modelo de negocio no municipio de Camarones, Região de Arica e Parinacota, Chile. (2020). Management & Public Policies Journal, 10(2), 181-194. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2237-1095.v10p181-194