Sexual orientation programs in schools: an analysis of gaps in the implementation of the public policies based on the students' perception of the city of São Paulo


  • Kátia Cibelle Machado Pirotta Instituto de Saúde Author
  • Renato Barboza Instituto de Saúde Author
  • Lígia Rivero Pupo Instituto de Saúde Author
  • Sandra Unbehaum Fundação Carlos Chagas Author
  • Sylvia Cavasin Ecos – Comunicação em Sexualidade Author



Public Policies, Sex Education, Program Development, Adolescent, Government Programs.


In the normative and theoretical level, the role of schools on sexual orientation and its importance for the construction of autonomy and the children and adolescents’ life project is incontrovertible. Nevertheless, prevails consideration of these issues under a repressive perspective, focused on the idea of risk and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. This article aimed to analyze the students’ perception on sex education programs carried out in the teaching system of the city of São Paulo. The data are part of the project "Sexual Education in School and Sexual and Reproductive Rights - Policy Evaluation of the Municipal Department of Education of São Paulo from 2001 to 2005". As part of this project, was made a descriptive research, exploratory, with 341 respondents, drawn in eight public schools, in 2006. As part of this project we conducted a descriptive research, exploratory, with 341 respondents, drawn in eight public schools, in 2006. The results indicated the achievement of specific and informative actions, in science classes and lectures with health professionals. There was not the realization of a procedural, interdisciplinary and intersectoral work. Topics covered included contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy and drugs. It was noted a small involvement of parents and family. More than a third of students reported not having participated in any action in the area of sexual orientation.It follows that prevails a decontextualized vision about the sexuality and health promotion. Ready answers are offered, indicating that teachers do not feel supported to use a constructivist methodology. The students’ vision plays this logic, which may lead them to adopt little responsible and discriminatory attitudes with the life and the health. Turning a sexual orientation platform in an effective public policy remains a major challenge for the school and society.


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Author Biographies

  • Kátia Cibelle Machado Pirotta, Instituto de Saúde
    Cientista Social, Doutora em Saúde Pública pela Universidade de São Paulo, Pesquisadora Científica V do Instituto de Saúde.
  • Renato Barboza, Instituto de Saúde
    Cientista Social, Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela Coordenadoria de Controle de Doenças/SES-SP, Pesquisador Científico V do Instituto de Saúde e pesquisador do NEPAIDS da Universidade de São Paulo.
  • Lígia Rivero Pupo, Instituto de Saúde
    Psicóloga, Mestre em Medicina Preventiva pela Universidade de São Paulo, Pesquisadora Científica IV do Instituto de Saúde.
  • Sandra Unbehaum, Fundação Carlos Chagas
    Cientista Social, Doutora em Educação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Pesquisadora e Coordenadora do Departamento de Pesquisas Educacionais da Fundação Carlos Chagas.
  • Sylvia Cavasin, Ecos – Comunicação em Sexualidade
    Cientista Social, Pesquisadora e Diretora da Organização Não Governamental Ecos – Comunicação em Sexualidade.






How to Cite

Pirotta, K. C. M., Barboza, R., Pupo, L. R., Unbehaum, S., & Cavasin, S. (2013). Sexual orientation programs in schools: an analysis of gaps in the implementation of the public policies based on the students’ perception of the city of São Paulo. Management & Public Policies Journal, 3(1), 190-210.