That no one enters here if it is not geometer




Architecture, Sacred geometry, Arché


This paper reflects on (and reflects) an intense research trajectory on the true meaning of architecture between texts where their contexts interrelate through the centuries, carried out as a research product on the essence of designing in architecture, for the design of research Methodology of Learning in Architecture and Urbanism (MAAU). The relation of meaning and the loss of, lies around the sense and the discourse of an origin, or arché, in what denominated of architecture, where the geometry becomes word justifying; and a point of order. The so-called sacred geometry seems to designate the true meaning of being of the architect, as a discourse intrinsic to the search for meaning in architecture.


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Author Biography

  • Rafael Rodrigues de Moraes, Centro Universitário Filadélfia

    Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism UNIFIL (2010-current) Lecturer Researcher and Coordinator (period 2014-2017) of the research project Learning Methodology in Architecture and Urbanism - M.A.A.U.


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Moraes, R. R. de. (2018). That no one enters here if it is not geometer. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 16(1), 70-81.