Profile of apheresis donors at Professor Alberto Antunes University Hospital of the Federal University of Alagoas
Therapeutic apheresis, Apheresis supply, Apheresis for donation, Transfusion reaction, Adverse events in the apheresis donationsAbstract
Hemotherapy services play a key role in attracting donors and providing safe blood to the population. The apheresis platelet collection procedure is a relatively simple, safe and important procedure for increasing the stocks of these services. However, the recruitment and retention of these donors still represent a major challenge. Objective: Evaluating the profile of donors of blood components by apheresis in the Transfusion Unit of Professor Alberto Antunes University Hospital - UFAL, as well as knowing the hematological parameters pre- and post-donation, the occurrence of the main adverse events related to the procedure and the difficulties faced by the donor. Method: This was a cross-sectional observational study. We analyzed a total of 160 forms of apheresis donors from March 2017 to June 2018. The data were tabulated using the Excel program, and then analyzed in order to determine
the objectives. Results: Most donors were male (93.13%), aged between 25 and 40 years (48.75%) and brown (25.62%). There was a slight prevalence of singles (49.37%) and 73.75% were from Maceió. The most prevalent ABO and Rh phenotyping was O+ (39.3%). Most of the procedures were simple platelet collection (75.60%) and the occurrence of adverse events during donations was 30.63%. Conclusion: Evaluation of apheresis donor profile and the knowledge of the possible side effects related to the procedure provided a better understanding of this type of donation and may improve the capture and retention processes of these individuals, minimizing the effects of lack of blood for Alagoana population.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Laís Pereira Leite de Araújo Loureiro, Sthephanie de Lima Zielak, Ingryd Leylane de Holanda Galvão Almeida, Kledson Lopes Barbosa, Cinthya Pereira Leite Costa de Araújo

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