Medical education in crisis times: the experience of a dermatology interest group during the Covid-19 pandemic




Covid-19, Medical education, Undergraduate medical education, Medical students


Background: The Covid-19 pandemic imposed a major challenge for universities around the world and required social distance due to the spread of the new coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2). Professors and students explored alternatives to continue university activities, including the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies and the expansion of the role of extracurricular activities. In this perspective, this article aimed to report the experience of The Dermatology Interest Group of the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (Liaderm - UFCSPA) during the Covid-19 pandemic and analyzed the importance of extracurricular activities and digital education as medical education tools. Experience report: During social isolation and suspension of classes, teaching, research and extension activities of Liaderm - UFCSPA needed to be adapted. The interest group in-person meetings started to take place as online meetings on videoconferencing platforms, such as Zoom® and Google Meet®, and consisted of theoretical classes and discussion of clinical cases. The group also held open classes for the academic community, such as a webinar on Surgical Dermatology, attended by medical students and other health students from all over the country. In addition, Liaderm organized activities to maintain the members' social engagement. One example is the manual with fundamental guidelines on dermatological injuries triggered by Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on health care providers involved with the care of patients with Covid-19. Conclusions: During the pandemic, Liaderm maintained most of its activities using Information and Communication Technologies, such as video conferencing platforms. In addition, the participation of academics from different states of the country and abroad expanded the scope of the teaching activities. In this sense, the adaptations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic may have a long-term impact, both in the teaching models of medical schools and in the acknowledgment of extracurricular activities as a strategic educational resource for medical education.


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Papers on Medical Education

How to Cite

Ferreira IG, Almeida CS, Bulcão LA, Weber MB. Medical education in crisis times: the experience of a dermatology interest group during the Covid-19 pandemic. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];54(3):e-173937. Available from: