Limits and Potentials of Pediatric Home Care in a Ceará State municipality
Home care services, Service structure, Evaluation of processes and resultsAbstract
Home Care Service (HCS) is the complementary service to primary care and emergency services, replacing or complementing hospital admissions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to know the limits and potentials of pediatric home care of the Melhor em Casa (Better at home) Program in a Ceará state municipality. The choice of pediatric care was due to its specificities, in addition to the difficulty of other levels of care to provide home care to these patients. It is an evaluative research, with a qualitative approach. In order to do that, the evaluation
of the triad: structure-process-result, defined by Donabedian theoretical-methodological referencial,
was used. For this study, we considered data and analysis referring to the process dimension. Regarding data collection, semi-structured interviews were carried out, based on the script adapted by Oliveira Neto, with professionals who work directly with the pediatric population in the municipalities. The speeches were recorded, in addition to records in a research journal, intended for notes of non-verbal language such as gestures, postures and facial expressions. In order to process the data, the thematic analysis of the speeches proposed by Minayo was carried out, supported by the NVIVO 11 plus software. The most frequent word in the speeches was “child” (158 times), followed by “attention” (107 times), “care” (80 times), patient (76 times) and home (73 times). It can be observed that the most frequent word denotes the importance given to patient-centered care, in this case, the child. According to the discourse analysis, on categories division, Interaction with the Health Care Network (HCN) was more present (39.02%), followed by the Structure-Dependent Process category (SDP) with
27.64, Work Relations (WR) with 26.02% and Professional-Dependent Processes (PDP) with 7.32%. Among the limitations faced, we can pinpoint: the network fragmentation, lack of supplies, transport and specialized professionals. As a potential, we could pinpoint: the decrease of pediatric hospitalizations, as well as the improvement of the quality of recovery at home.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marcelo Bitu de Almeida, Izabelle Mont’Alverne Napoleão Albuquerque, Maria Adelane Monteiro da Silva, Fernando Daniel de Oliveira Mayorga, Héryca Laiz Linhares Balica, Ana Beatriz Oliveira do Nascimento

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