Clinical-epidemiological profile of traumatic brain injury associated with traffic accidents in southeastern Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon
Brain injuries traumatic, Epidemiology descriptive, Traffic accidents, NeurologyAbstract
Introduction: In Brazil, traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents about two thirds of all causes of death and are often associated with traffic accidents, causing overload of medium and high complexity services. Objectives: To describe the occurrence and clinical-epidemiological profile of TBIs associated with traffic accidents in a regional hospital in the southeast of the state of Pará. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional analytical study.
It was based on data from the medical and statistical archives service of a regional hospital, through the analysis of electronic medical records of patients treated with TBI resulting from traffic accidents in the period from 2016 to 2020. Results: Of the 20,077 overall hospitalizations recorded, 4.0% were associated with the occurrence of TBI, of which, 75.3% were directly caused by traffic accidents involving motorcycles. The cases were concentrated
in individuals of mixed race, male, aged between 18 and 29 years, with percentages of 92.5%, 86% and 39%, respectively. Conclusions: The occurrence of TBIs associated with automobile accidents is a problem that requires attention in the region. Moreover, there were several gaps in the completion of the medical records, which made it difficult to determine the association of the outcome, alcohol consumption and the use of PPE. However, considering all the information presented, assertive local public policies aimed at prevention can be implemented. And this can be the starting point for promoting changes aimed at mitigating traffic accidents and bed occupations due to preventable causes, impacting the quality of health care and economic factors.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Edlainny Araujo Ribeiro, Rogerio Hercules Ferreira, Laura Costa Caixeta, Marilia Jaqueline Lopes Fagundes, Lorrany Karen Batista de Jesus Weber, Alanna Oliveira Teixeira

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