Quantitative and qualitative analysis of neuroinflammation by beta amyloid 1-42 toxin after treatment with resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles





Nanoparticles, Resveratrol, Alzheimer's


Background: This study evaluated the effects of zein nanoparticles with resveratrol on neuroinflammation caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Method: The sample consisted of 30 animals divided into control (C), positive control (CP), white nanoparticles (NB), resveratrol nanoparticles (NR) and resveratrol (R) groups. The animals received 10 mg/kg of resveratrol or nanoparticles according to the group, daily, for 15 days, oral administration. Afterward, they were
submitted to immunohistochemical (IHC) analyses. Results: the IHC showed that there was no change in the morphological brain composition in the NR and C groups. Conversely, in the CP, NB, and R groups, changes in the deposition of Anti Tau were observed. The NR group showed a normal projection of taurine in the axon, which was not presented in the same way in the other groups. The CD68 marker showed no microglial activation in the R and C groups. Quantitative analyses of Anti Beta-Amyloid in the NR group showed a statistical difference compared
to the CP, NB, and R groups, whereas the Anti Tau analysis showed a significant difference between the CP and NR groups. The CD68 marker showed a significant difference between the C and NR groups. The analysis of cytokines showed a significant difference in TNF-α between the C and CP groups, C and NB groups, CP and NR groups, and NB and NR groups. IL-6 and InF-δ showed no significant difference between all groups. IL-10 showed significant differences between the C and NR groups, C and R groups, and CP and NR groups. Conclusion: NR prevented the evolution of neuroinflammation.


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Author Biographies

  • Mariane Maria Silveira Vieira de Lima, Mid-West State University,(PR), Brazil

    Master by the Graduate Program in Nanosciences and Biosciences

  • Maria Elvira Ribeiro Cordeiro, Mid-West State University,(PR), Brazil

    Master’s Degree student in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Post Graduation

  • Flávio Klinpovous Kerppers, Mid-West State University,(PR), Brazil


  • Ketllin Bragnholo, Mid-West State University,(PR), Brazil


  • Luiza Ferreira Cunha, Mid-West State University,(PR), Brazil


  • Maiara Fonseca, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil


  • Tatiane Budniak Mazur, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil


  • Christiane Schineider Machado, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil

    Researcher at the Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Laboratory

  • Rubiana Mara Mainardes, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil

    Professor of the Pharmacy course

  • Afonso Shiguemi Inoue Salgado, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil

    Physiotherapist and Nutritionist

  • André Alexandre Pezzini, State University of West Paraná, Cascavel, (PR), Brazil.

    Professor of the Dentistry Course

  • Ana Carolina Dorigoni Bini, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil

    Professor of the Physiotherapy course

  • Ivo Ilvan Kerppers, Mid-West State University, (PR), Brazil

    Professor of the Physiotherapy course


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— Updated on 2023-12-18



Original Articles

How to Cite

Lima MMSV de, Cordeiro MER, Kerppers FK, Bragnholo K, Cunha LF, Fonseca M, et al. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of neuroinflammation by beta amyloid 1-42 toxin after treatment with resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];56(4):e-207173. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/rmrp/article/view/207173