Prevalence of obsessive and compulsive symptomsin institutionalized older adults with dementia – across-sectional study




Cognitive aging, Institutionalization, Alzheimer’s disease, Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Objective: to investigate the prevalence of obsessive and compulsive symptoms in institutionalized older people with dementia. Methods: cross-sectional research was carried out with 52 older people with a medical diagnosis of dementia, institutionalized in the city of Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. A questionnaire was used with questions regarding age, gender, age group, race, education level, time since diagnosis of dementia, type of dementia, use of medication, and the presence or absence of the main obsessive and compulsive symptoms associated with the dementia condition. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (p<0.05). Results: there was a majority of older women (55.8%), aged 80 or over (57.7%), with low education (57.7%), with Alzheimer’s disease (82.7%) and with more than four years of institutionalization (59.6%). The majority had difficulty controlling their thoughts (86.5%), talking alone (76.9%), finding things around them dangerous (61.5%), getting upset if objects are not organized symmetrically (65.4%), and organizing things in a particular order (69.2%). No significant association (p > 0.05) was found between the number of obsessive and compulsive symptoms and the sociodemographic profile and the dementia and institutionalization profile of institutionalized older people with dementia. Conclusion: the majority of institutionalized older people with dementia presented with obsessive and compulsive symptoms.


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Author Biographies

  • Mariana Prandi Leite da Silva, Universidade Cesumar, Maringá, (PR), Brasil

    Graduanda em Medicina.

  • Eduardo Quadros da Silva, Universidade Cesumar, Maringá, (PR), Brasil

    Fisioterapeuta. Mestrando em Promoção da saúde.

  • José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Júnior, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, (PE), Brasil

    Doutor em Educação Física.

  • Daniel Vicentini de Oliveira, Universidade Cesumar, Maringá, (PR), Brasil

    Doutor em Gerontologia.


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How to Cite

Silva MPL da, Silva EQ da, Nascimento Júnior JRA do, Oliveira DV de. Prevalence of obsessive and compulsive symptomsin institutionalized older adults with dementia – across-sectional study. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];57(3):e-214170. Available from: