Analysis of indicators of good delivery and birth care practices in a maternity hospital: an observational study
Maternal and child health services, Comprehensive health care, Mother-child relationship, Normal birth, Humanized birthAbstract
Introduction: The use of good practices in labor and birth care has been an alternative for better care for the mother-baby binomial. Objective: The study aims to analyze the occurrence of good labor and birth practices in a maternity hospital in Northeast Brazil. Methodology: This is a quantitative, retrospective and documentary study, carried out in a maternity hospital in northeastern Brazil. The sample consisted of 1,442 parturient women at usual risk, followed from January 2020 to December 2021. Results: In the investigated population, 28.6% of the parturients had a normal delivery and 71.4% underwent a cesarean section. When assessing the association between mode of delivery and good delivery and birth practices, it was found that women who had normal delivery were 3.95 times more likely to have skin-to-skin contact with their children (95% CI =2.21-7, 08). They were also 13.2 times more likely to use non-pharmacological methods for pain relief during labor ((95%CI =8.21-21.3), and 1.7 more likely to have a companion (95%CI =1.15-2.73) when compared with women who underwent a cesarean section. Regarding newborn care, the results show that normal delivery provided 1.6 more chances of practicing timely clamping (95%CI = 1,24-2,21) Conclusion: Women whose delivery was normal were more likely to experience good practices in childbirth and childbirth, recommended by the World Health Organization, such as the use of non-pharmacological methods, having the presence of the companion, as well as experiencing skin-to-skin contact, in addition to late or timely clamping of the newborn's umbilical cord.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Afonson Luiz Medeiros Gondim, Brenda Kelly Pontes Soares Soares, Francisca Marta de Lima Costa Souza, Anna Cecilia Queiroz De Medeiros, Adriana Gomes Magalhães

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