Clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory profiles of bacterial infection or colonization among patients hospitalized in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Southeast Pará



Palabras clave:

COVID-19, Coinfection, Multidrug resistance, Evidence-based medicine, Intensive care units


Objectives: To compare the clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory profiles of bacterial infection or colonization among patients hospitalized in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Southeast Pará, Brazil. Methods: This was a retrospective analytical study based on the analyses of electronic medical records and microbiological reports of patients admitted to the ICU of a regional hospital located in Pará in the Brazilian Amazon due to complications associated with COVID-19 and other causes from March 2020 to December 2021. The sample consisted of data from the medical records of 343 patients collected after approval by the ethics and research committee (opinion number 5281433)
was granted. The data extracted from the bacteriological and antibiogram culture reports were analyzed to characterize the clinical-epidemiological profile of the patients. The data were transferred and tabulated in Microsoft Excel 2019 to conduct a descriptive analysis, and the associated statistical analyses were performed using Stata 17.0 statistical software. Results: Of the total patients, 59.5% were hospitalized in the COVID-19 ICU and 40.5% were hospitalized in the non-COVID-19 ICU. Most individuals admitted to the COVID-19 ICU and non-COVID-19 ICU were aged between 66 and 78 years and between 54 and 66 years, respectively. The hospitalization duration in the COVID-19 ICU was fewer than 15 days, whereas that in the non COVID-19 ICU was 15 to 30 days. Deaths were more frequent in the Covid-19 ICU compared to the non-Covid-19 ICU (64% versus 41%). In contrast, hospital discharge was more frequent in the non-Covid-19 ICU (58.3% versus 34.8%).The most prevalent comorbidity in both ICUs was circulatory system disease. Gram-negative bacteria were the most frequent etiological agent in both groups and were present in 63.1% of the cultures analyzed. Regarding the phenotypic profile of resistance, carbapenemase production was detected in 43.0% of the cultures analyzed. Multidrug resistance against antimicrobial drugs was more frequent in the non-COVID-19 ICU
(55.7%). Most of the antimicrobial drug prescriptions for were empirical. Conclusions: The recurrence of secondary infections and bacterial colonization in both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 ICU patients should not be underestimated. The clinical, microbiological, and bacterial resistance profiles elucidated in this study highlight the need to develop and implement holistic and assertive strategies to control and mitigate these problems. Which will contribute to an improved prognosis for patients and quality of life patients.



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Biografía del autor/a

  • Edlainny Araujo Ribeiro, Higher Education College of the Reunited Amazon. Medicine School, Redenção, (PA), Brazil

    Master in Environmental Sciences and Health

  • Mateus Pereira Mundoca, Higher Education College of the Reunited Amazon. Medicine School, Redenção, (PA), Brazil

    Medical studen

  • Mateus Taborda Cachoeira, Higher Education College of the Reunited Amazon. Medicine School, Redenção, (PA), Brazil

    Medical student

  • Luana Lopes Nobre, Higher Education College of the Reunited Amazon. Medicine School, Redenção, (PA), Brazil

    Medical student

  • Marcia Juciele da Rocha, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

    Master in Biochemistry and Bioprospecting


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Cómo citar

Ribeiro EA, Mundoca MP, Cachoeira MT, Nobre LL, Rocha MJ da. Clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory profiles of bacterial infection or colonization among patients hospitalized in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Southeast Pará. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];56(3):e-204460. Available from: