Mortality and years of life lost related to adverse drug events in Brazil
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions, Pharmacoepidemiology, Databases, PharmaceuticalResumo
OBJECTIVE: To assess regional and national mortality and years of life lost (YLL) related to adverse drug events in Brazil. METHODS: This is an ecological study in which death records from 2009 to 2018 from the Mortality Information System were analyzed. Codes from the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision (ICD-10) that indicated drugs as the cause of death were identified. The number of deaths and the YLL due to adverse drug events were obtained. Crude, ageand gender-specific, and age-adjusted mortality rates and YLL rates per 100,000 inhabitants were formed by year, age group, gender, and Brazilian Federative Unit. Rate ratios were calculated by comparing rates from 2009 to 2018. A joinpoint regression model was applied for temporal analysis. RESULTS: For the selected ICD-10 codes, a total of 95,231 deaths and 2,843,413 YLL were recorded. Mortality rates from adverse drug events increased by a mean of 2.5% per year, and YLL rates increased by 3.7%. Increases in rates were observed in almost all age groups for both genders. Variations in rates were found between Federative Units, with the highest age-adjusted mortality and YLL rates occurring in the Distrito Federal. CONCLUSIONS: The numbers and rates of deaths and YLL increased during the study period, and variations in rates of deaths and YLL were observed between Brazilian Federative Units. Information on multiple causes of death from death certificates can be useful for quantifying adverse drug events and analyzing them geographically, by age and by gender.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lunara Teles Silva, Ana Carolina Figueiredo Modesto, Rodrigo Alves de Oliveira, Rita Goreti Amaral, Flavio Marques Lopes

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