About the Journal
Aims and Scope
RUS is a semestral electronic publication of the Department of Oriental Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Social Sciences of the University of São Paulo. Its main objective is the dissemination of Russian studies in Brazil through the publication of not yet published work by Brazilian and foreign researchers on literature, culture, arts, philosophy and the humanities in Russia.
The journal's target readership consists of Brazilian and international undergraduate and graduate students, professors, translators and researchers in Russians Studies and related areas.
Article submissions can be made by any researcher, in single authorship or in co-authorship of up to three author, except for translations, which should be made by up to two authors. The journal accepts submissions from any researcher, without the need of a minimum degree. Only researchers who have actually collaborated in the research and/or writing of the text should be listed as authors.
The journal only accepts translations from Russian to Portuguese.
Submissions are receive on a continuing basis for peer review.Peer Review Process
The articles will be judged by two ad hoc referees (double-blind peer review). In case of divergent assessments, a third critical evaluation is used.
Semestral (In special circumstances a special issue may be published between regular issues)
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content based on the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge.
RUS uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) and the LOCKSS system to ensure a secure and permanent archiving for the journal.
Publication Ethics and Plagiarism Policy
1) Responsibility of the authors
- The authors are responsible for the content of their articles, as well as for the copyright of texts, images and any complementary elements of their article.
- The authors have agreed to work for free in the peer-review process for this journal in the future.
- The authors must offer to the journal retractions or corrections of possible errors.
- The authors must ensure that their text is original and must not submit the same text to more than one journal. RUS resorts to anti-plagiarism tools to verify the originality of the manuscript and will take applicable measures in case plagiarism is confirmed.
- The journal accepts translation of foreign scientific articles of interest to the research areas pertinent to the journal's editorial line. Translated articles will also be submitted to the peer review process.
- In the case of a translation of a text that is not in the public domain, the translator must present the authorization of the copyright holder.
- The journal asks authors for Authors' Declarations to protect their publication and originality rights. The information can be found on the magazine's website at: Copyright Notice
2) The review process
- All the content of the journal is subjected to peer review by the method of double-blind peer review.
- Peer review is the process of having opinions on individual manuscripts of reviewers skilled in the field. The process is described in Authors Guidelines.
- The opinions should be as objective as possible and sufficiently grounded to improve.
- The reviewers should not have conflicts of interest when performing a review and they declare this in writing in the system of thejournal.
- All articles being reviewed are treated with confidentiality.
- The journal understands that any form of plagiarism is not acceptable and uses anti-plagiarism review tools.
- The final decision on the publication of an article is taken by the editors. If an article has academic quality and meets the criteria established by the journal, it is forwarded to the double-blind peer review process.
- The only assessment criteria of the articles are their academic merit and their contribution to the improvement of the knowledge in the field; there is no discrimination of authors, for any reasons.
- Editors are not allowed to use information contained in the articles being reviewed without the explicit consent of the authors.
- The editors are available to answer any ethical question related to a submission.
3) Ethics in Publishing
- The journal follows the guidelines for code of conduct recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
- Under no circumstances we encourage misconduct or allow them to happen.
- Any allegation of research misconduct is immediately investigated.
- The journal publishes errata, corrections, clarifications, right of reply, retractions, and apologies when necessary.
4) Copyright and Universal Access
- The licenses used by the journals are described on the website.
- All articles are offered free of any access fees and are available in their entirety to any reader without the need of registration or password.
- This journal does not charge any fee for submission, assessment, or publication, but may require the translation of the article.
Indexing sources and directories
Sources of Support
Journal History
The creation of RUS in 2011 aims to replace the Caderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa. First published in 2004 by Ateliê Editorial, the first issue of Caderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa was the realization of an important space for the expansion and deepening of Russian studies in Brazil, continuing the efforts and dedication of Boris Schnaiderman in dissemination of this area of knowledge among us. The Caderno was the result, therefore, of the maturation of ideas that were developed in the last decades and that received a stronger academic impulse from the start of the activities of the post-graduate level Course of Russian, in 1994.
The first issue of Caderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa presented a dossier on the work of the artist who is considered the founder of modern Russian literature, Aleksandr Pushkin. Already in its second issue, published in 2008, the Caderno presented a rich dossier on the work of Fyodor M. Dostoevsky. In both cases, the journal contained essays and articles from important Brazilian and foreign scholars.
Since 2011 RUS has been accomplishing the important tasks of disseminating Russian literature and culture in Brazil, contributing to the development and enrichment of Russian studies and promoting the education of new specialists in this area.
Since its foundation until April 2016, Boris Schnaiderman, Emeritus Professor at the University of Sao Paulo and founder of the Russian Language and Literature course, was a member of the journal's Scientific Council.