



Memory, Culture, Self-interpretation, Self-modeling


This essay analyzes how the Memory category runs through Lotman’s theoretical production. The Russian thinker analyzes a new theory of memory that he develops as an essential part of culture conceived as a semiotic system, a concept developed in the works of the Tartu-Moscow school. Aiming to describe the techniques of self-interpretation and self-modeling (transformation, translation, transcoding) through which a culture tries to stabilize itself.


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Author Biography

  • Renate Lachmann, Universität Konstanz

    University of Konstanz, Professor Emerita of Slavic Literatures and Comparative Literature. Member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften and of the Academia Europaea. Member of the former scholarly group Poetik und Hermeneutik. Main books: Gedächtnis und Literatur (Suhrkamp, 1990), Die Zerstörung der schönen Rede (Fink, 1994), Erzählte Phantastik (Suhrkamp, 2002) and Lager und Literatur. Zeugnisse des Gulag (Konstanz University Press, 2019).


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