Over the Prison Wall
https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-4765.rus.2024.224507Palabras clave:
Lev Tolstoy, Animalian perspective, Anthropocentrism, DefamiliarizationResumen
When writing his short-story “The Lion and the Dog”, Lev Tolstoy begins his creative process by establishing a tense intertextuality with the fable’s conventions by challenging the traditional approach to this genre. The present article seeks to understand the object by considering Tolstoy’s narrative technique in the light of Nietzsche’s critique of language and Shklovsky’s concept of defamiliarizing. As a result, the paper brings out the peculiarities of Tolstoy’s work, such as his subversion of moralizing tropes and a sketch of the philosophical implications of his work.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Michael Denner

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