The Influence of Rayonism in the Artistic Work of the First Group of Constructivists in Action
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Russian art, Aesthetics, Rayonism, Constructivism, Soviet artRésumé
Constructivism was an artistic movement emerging in Russia after the Bolshevists seizure of power in October 1917 and extending up to 1932. The present work analyses the influence of Rayonism on the outline of Constructivist art, especially in the artwork initiated by that the First Working Group of Constructivist in Action in 1922. These artistic movements were studied and compared after consulting main literature and complementary bibliography. Research has shown that Constructivists and Rayonists had a similar method of artwork based on laws or foundational disciplines. Furthermore, the use of the concept faktura and construction were contrasted and the results were that both movements used them in different ways.
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