Contemporary didascalic games: means to open poetic spaces of choric stage and circumscribe a place for speech


  • Stephan Arnulf Baumgärtel Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC



Didascalia, Immanent poetics, Choric stage, Poststructural authorship.


This article discusses didascalia in contemporary dramatic writing as a way to construct and expose the stage as a poetic space in which the spoken word assumes (and again exposes) its place as the mediating element between imagination and the stage concreteness. I take as a starting point my understanding that the didascalic information rises in the interior of the theatrical code the question of how to fundament the theatrical writing, whether textual or scenic. I then show how contemporary didascalia has a theatricalizing function and thus establishes a relational and not a substantial fundament for the stage event and the languages it engages, for the link between the spoken word and the actors’ bodies as well as for the configuration of the communicative axis between stage and spectators. By suggesting this relational poetics to the eye of the spectator, it emphasizes the choric structure of the contemporary stage.


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How to Cite

Baumgärtel, S. A. (2016). Contemporary didascalic games: means to open poetic spaces of choric stage and circumscribe a place for speech. Sala Preta, 16(2), 233-256.