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Author Guidelines

To submit papers and monitor the ongoing editorial process, authors are required to register in the online system and sign in afterwards, using an username and password. Sign in to an existing account or Register a new account.


Submission Requirements

As part of the submission process, authors are strongly encouraged to check whether their submission comply with the following items. The manuscript may be returned to authors if these guidelines are not followed. 

Submissions must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Authors may submit their manuscript in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF file types.
  • When available, the full URL for web references should be provided.
  • The text must be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing, and terms must be italicized rather than underlined (except for URLs). Charts, figures, and tables must be included within the text, wherever applicable, rather than at the end.
  • Text must adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, available on About the Journal.
  • Papers submitted to peer-review must follow the guidelines presented on Ensuring a Double-blind Review.


Author Guidelines


  1. Publication Goals

Significação – Revista de Cultura Audiovisual publishes articles, essays, reviews, and interviews dedicated to studying the media and audiovisual processes and systems by the diverse practices and ideas entailed by their processes of reflection, creation, production, and dissemination. The editorial board defines the interviews and translations.

With a semiannual publication frequency, the journal invites unpublished original articles (from individual and collective authorship) written by PhDs and doctoral students, in a continuous flow system. Review articles can be submitted by master's students and must address recent studies. That is: the publication year of the reviewed study must be the same or, at most, two years prior to the edition intending to submit the review.

Articles submitted for publication must not have been submitted to any other publication.

We suggest that neither author nor eventual co-authors have, at submission, any publication within the three prior issues of our journal.

Finally, the author is charged no fee for submission, review, and publication of papers.


  1. Editorial process

Submitted manuscripts that do not meet the minimum requirements specified in the Terms will not be reviewed (see items 1. Publication Goals and 3. Formatting). All manuscripts undergo redundancy detection, both by plagiarism checker programs and by human factor (for additional information see item 6. below on Duplicate or redundant publication). Once this is verified, manuscripts are referred to the next stage: review by members of the Scientific Committee and ad hoc consultants. This is a double-blind process, absolutely anonymous, in which authorship is concealed (guidelines for submitting an article to blind peer review are found in the system). Two reviewers will assess the manuscript. When their opinion diverges, a third reviewer is summoned to issue his opinion, providing greater subsidies for the editorial board to reach a final decision. Submission can be either accepted in present form, accepted with revisions, or declined. Review process takes from 4 to 12 weeks, and authors will be notified by email of the outcome: whether their manuscript was accepted or declined, or whether they must perform modifications on it. The author must provide the revised manuscript within 4 weeks, using the submission in which the editorial process was initiated. Modifications performed by the author are subject to a new assessment, conducted by the reviewers who participated in the first round and suggested those alterations. If accepted, the manuscript is referred to the next stage: editing. In this stage, the text will be assessed in matters of orthography, grammar, and format – which is performed in contact with authors to clear any doubts. After review and editing, articles are referred to publishing, stage in which they are diagrammed. The PDF file is submitted for the author to approve. Once approved by the author, the manuscript is ready to be published in the edition indicated by the editorial board.

2.1. Evaluation form

Each reviewer receives an evaluation form questioning whether the article: a) is original; b) addresses themes related to the publication scope; c) clearly delimits its aims; d) presents a theoretical methodological coherence; e) analyzes the object according to the adopted theoretical and methodological assumptions; f) presents argumentative consistency; g) achieves the proposed aims; h) has an appropriate and up-to-date bibliography; i) presents fluid writing and grammatical correction; j) is formatted following the journal's publication guidelines. The reviewer is urged to justify negative answers provided to any of the questions presented above.

  1. Formatting

Submission Metadata

  1. Data related to authorship (name, last name, e-mail address, institution/affiliation, country, biography summary, contributors, and funding agencies) and paper (abstract, keywords [both in Portuguese and English], and references) must be included on the online system, in the specific section “Submission Metadata.”
  2. On “Submission Metadata,” the first step is to choose the language of the form, which must correspond to the language of the submitted paper. Then the author must fill in the indicated blanks.
  3. Next, the author must select the English language and fill in the corresponding blanks again.


  1. Title of the article (100 characters including spaces) written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, bold, and both in Portuguese and English.
  2. Abstract (700 characters including spaces) and keywords (three to five), written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, with initial lowercase letters, and separated by semicolons.
  3. Abstract (700 characters including spaces) and keywords (three to five), written in English and Portuguese, in Times New Roman, 12 font size, with initial lowercase letters, and separated by semicolons.
  4. The items above must also be included on “Submission Metadata.”

File format

Papers should be submitted as follows:

  1. In MS Word file (.doc) or compatible (.rtf).
  2. 1.5 line spacing, A4-size, Times New Roman, 12 font size.
  3. First-line indents and no space between paragraphs.
  4. Titles and subtitles must be written in bold (with space before them), and without numbering.
  5. Foreign words and terms must be italicized.
  6. Quotations must be translated into the language of the paper, and the original text does not need to be reproduced in a footnote.

The paper must have, at maximum, 45.000 characters, including spaces. Title, abstract, illustrations, notes, and bibliography are included within this limit.

Illustrations (photographs, drawings, pictures, charts, graphs and tables)

  1. They must be included within the body of the text, with appropriate reference sources.
  2. Titles and captions must be immediately below pictures and graphs and immediately above charts and tables. They must all be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers.
  3. Authors are responsible for obtaining and presenting permission to reproduce images, illustrations, tables, graphs, etc.


  1. They must be used for comments only, not for bibliographic references.
  2. They must be typed on the same page as its reference, in Times New Roman, 9 font size.


  1. Identify in-text citations (in parentheses), including the author’s last name (in capitalized letters), publication year and, when necessary, the page numbers.


One author: (WENTH, 1998, p. 12); two authors: (LAMARE; SOARES, 1990, p. 134-135); three or more authors: (HARRIS et al, 1998, p. 26).

  1. Citations must be inserted in the body of the text, right after the quoted excerpt, rather than into a footnote. Example: (KELSEN, 1979, p. 91).
  2. Long quotations (exceeding four lines) must be off-set from the text, indented 4 cm from the left margin, written in 10 size font, and with simple line spacing.
  3. Do not use Idem or Ibidem.


Papers must follow the standards of the 2002 Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) for referencing (NBRs 6023) and in-text citation (10520).

Format examples:

  1. Books:

CALDWELL, J. T. Televisuality: style, crisis, and authority in American television. New Jersey: Rutgers, 1995.

  • The first names of the author are abbreviated; only the first word of a title is capitalized. Unless it compromises identification, first names must not be used in publishing houses.
  • The subtitle after colon must be in lowercase.
  1. Book chapter:

STAM, R. “As vanguardas históricas”. In. Introdução à teoria do cinema. Campinas: Papirus, 2010, p. 72-75.

  1. Chapter in a book with chapters written by different authors:

GUNNING, T. “Cinema e história”. In. XAVIER, I. (org.). Cinema no século. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1996, p. 21-44.

  1. Newspaper articles:

GIDDENS, A. “A Terceira Via em cinco dimensões”. Folha de S. Paulo, Caderno Mais!, 21 fev. 1999, p. 4.

  1. Theses and dissertations:

MUANIS, F. As metaimagens na televisão contemporânea: as vinhetas da Rede Globo e MTV. Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2010.

  1. Scientific articles:

PAIVA, S. “A propósito do gênero road movie no Brasil: um romance, uma série de TV e um filme de estrada”. Rumores, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 6, set.-dez. 2009.

  1. Annals of Congress:

REGUILLO, R. “El lenguaje e los narcos”. In: SEMINARIO NARCOTRÁFICO Y VIOLENCIA EN CIUDADES DE AMÉRICA LATINA: retos para un nuevo periodismo, 2009, México. Anais eletrônicos... México: FNPI, 2009. Available from: <>. Accessed on: Aug. 15th, 2011.

Audiovisual References

  1. Films:

1.1. Within the body of the text, references must include the film title, italicized and in the original language, the Portuguese translation in parentheses, year (in parentheses), and director’s name.


Cabra marcado para morrer (1984), by Eduardo Coutinho.

 Spellbound (1945), by Alfred Hitchcock.

1.2. Filmography, videography, and radiophonic references

TITLE. Author and other relevant responsible figures (director, producer, industry achiever, screenwriter). Coordination (if any). Location: Studio and distributor, date. Detailed physical characteristics regarding number of units, duration in minutes, sound or silent, subtitles or recording. Series, if any. Special notes.


SANEAMENTO básico, o filme. Jorge Furtado, Brazil, 2007.

TROIS coleurs: Bleu. Krysztof Kieslowski, France-Poland-Switzerland, 1993.

BREAKING Bad. Creation: Vince Gilligan. EUA, 2008-2013.

DOWNTON Abbey. Creation: Jullian Fellowes. England, 2010-2014. Rio de Janeiro: GNT, 2014.

1.3. DVD:

TITLE. Author and other relevant responsible figures (director, producer, industry achiever, screenwriter). Coordination (if any). Location: Studio and distributor, date. Physical characteristics: duration in minutes, zone system. Special notes.


EU te amo. Direction: Arnaldo Jabor. Music: Tom Jobim and Chico Buarque. Brasil, 1981, colored, 110min. DVD, São Paulo: Versatile Home video, colored, 106 min, NTSC, 1999. 

L'Amour a mort. Direction: Alain Resnais. Screenplay: Jean Grualt. Music: Hans-Werner Henze. France, 1984, 88 min. DVD, Paris: MK2 Editions, colored 158min., Zone 2, PAL, 2003.

1.4. Digital film (YouTube and other social medias):

TITLE. Author and other relevant responsible figures (director, producer, industry achiever, screenwriter). Coordination (if any). Location: Studio and distributor, date. Physical characteristics: duration in minutes, system. URL and date of last access.


MEMÓRIA para uso diário. Direction: Beth Formaggini. Brazil, 86min. Last access 6/30/2014.

  1. Music albums:

AUTHOR (composer, performer, singer). Title. Artistic director (if any). Location: Record label, revolutions per minute, groove or digital, number of sound channels. Disk number.


COBOS, L. Suíte 1700: con The Royal Philharmoníc Orchestra. Rio de Janeiro: Sony Music, 1990. 1 disk (45 min.): 33 1/3 rpm, microgrooves, stereo. 188163/1-467603.

  1. Ethics

Authors are responsible for obtaining approval by the appropriate ethics committee for research involving human beings.

  1. Originality and newness         

We understand as original the propositions and theoretical, methodological, and analytical treatments unprecedented in the literature review of a given field of knowledge and that, therefore, is innovative. For a manuscript to be considered new, it must not have been published before. This includes printed and digital formats, with or without record. As for manuscripts that appear in annals of scientific events or in institutional repositories (theses and dissertations), we encourage authors to review their study considering discussions with peers before submitting to the journal.

  1. Duplicate or redundant publication         

All manuscripts undergo redundancy detection, both by plagiarism checker programs and by human factor. Results are reported to the editors, who investigate and gather documentary evidence on the extent and nature of the redundancy.

If the overlap is not significant, reviewers will be informed of the decision and the suggested procedures. If there is a minor overlap – with some element of redundancy or legitimate overlap (e.g., exposing methods, updating previously performed analyses, or discussion which targets different audiences) – the journal will contact the author to inform a position. Such contact intends to clarify that secondary study must reference the original or remove that the overlapping material should be removed. This procedure is supported by review and editorial decision.

As for extensive range overlaps or very similar results – showing that the author sought to hide redundancy – that do not reference the previous study, the journal will contact the authors in writing, presenting documentation that evinces duplication or redundancy and the statement (signed by them) that the submitted study has not been published anywhere else.

If the authors provide a satisfactory response – for example, legitimate republication – they will be informed of the journal's position and future expected behavior. If the authors provide an unsatisfactory response or admits guilt, they will be notified that his submission has been declined. The editors will also consider informing the senior agents and/or those responsible for the research. The reviewer will also be informed of the decision.

  1. Plagiarism

Suspected plagiarism must be reported to the editors. When notification is confirmed, they will evaluate the degree of plagiarism and start gathering documentary evidence.

When the submission presents minor copying – short phrases and no misattribution of data – the editors will contact the author to inform the journal position, pointing the need for correcting the study. Those who reported the suspected plagiarism will be informed about the journal's actions.

As for clear plagiarism – unattributed use of large portions of text and/or data, presented as if they were by the plagiarist, – the journal will contact the authors in writing and send a copy of the declaration of authorship and originality (signed by them) along with evidence of the plagiarism. The author should contact the editors and provide explanations.

If the authors provide a satisfactory response, they will be informed of the journal's position and future expected behavior. However, if the response is unsatisfactory, the journal will consider withdrawing the submitted or already published study and will report the event to involved publishers, senior agents, and/or those responsible for conducting the research, as well as to the victim of plagiarism and readers.

If the author fails to provide any response to the editors, the co-authors and/or the author's institution will be contacted and requested to report the problem to their superiors or those responsible for the research. In case no response is provided, another attempt will be done within 3 to 6 months. After that, the journal will consider contacting other authorities.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal must agree with the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyrights and grant the journal right of first publication, with the article simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to share the study with an acknowledgement of its authorship and initial publication in this journal for non-commercial purposes.
  2. Authors are allowed to make additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the study (publish it in institutional repositories or as a book chapter), with acknowledgement of its authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Submission files must be OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Text must follow the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is available on About the Journal.
  • Texts must be single-spaced, size 12 font and italics must be used rather than underlining (except for URL addresses). All illustrations, pictures and tables must be placed within the text wherever is appropriate, rather than at the end.
  • When available, URLs for the references must be provided.
  • To submit to a peer-reviewed section of the journal,  instructions on Ensuring a Blind Review must be followed.
  • We accept articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  • Submissions must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Significação – Revista de Cultura Audiovisual publishes articles dedicated to the study on cinema, radio and digital media, thinking them as a system of diversity of practices and ideas that involve their specific processes of reflection, creation, production and dissemination. 
The journal accepts original and unpublished articles, with effective theoretical contribution to the field.


Significação – Revista de Cultura Audiovisual publishes every semester a special section of thematic articles, a dossier, whose topic is announced on the call for articles.

Articles should address the topic proposed by the Dossier, with unpublished approaches that result from original and concluded research. Original theoretical contribution to the field is also expected.


As traduções serão selecionadas e analisadas pela comissão editorial.


Significação – Revista de Cultura Audiovisual publishes reviews of books dedicated to the study of cinema, video, television, radio and digital media, seen as a diversified system of practices and ideas that involve their specific processes of reflection, creation, production and diffusion. Reviews can be submitted by MA students and must be about recent works.


A critério do conselho editorial ou dos organizadores dos dossiês, um pesquisador expressivo em sua área de atuação é convidado para explicar, em formato de entrevista, suas principais teorias e formulações

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.