Call for Submissions - Special Dossier: Television

Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual invites submissions for a special dossier dedicated to the multifaceted and ever-evolving medium of television, which will celebrate its 75th anniversary in Brazil in 2025. This issue seeks to critically engage with television as a central node in the shifting landscape of audiovisual culture, addressing its past, present, and future, both in Brazil and around the world. 

Television has undergone profound changes, from its analogue origins to the digital and streaming age, shaping and reshaping its functions, aesthetics, and cultural roles. We invite scholars to contribute original research and theoretical reflections that explore television’s historical trajectories, contemporary transformations, and future possibilities.  

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:  
- Television History: Key moments in the development of television as a cultural and technological medium.  
- The Digital Turn: How digitization has transformed television production, distribution, and consumption.  
- Streaming Platforms and New Ecosystems: The impact of services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime on traditional broadcasting.  
- YouTube and User-Generated Content: Challenges to television's dominance and the rise of participatory media.  
- Remediation and Media Convergence: Intersections between television and other media, including cinema, gaming, and online platforms.  
- Editing and Circulation of Images: New modes of image production and circulation in the post-broadcast era.  
- Transtextuality and Intertextuality: How television engages in dialogue with other texts, genres, and narratives.  
- Entangled Media: The interconnectedness of television with social media, cinema, and other cultural forms.  
- Technological Issues: Innovations in broadcasting, signal transmission, virtual reality, and interactive television.  
- Television and Cinema: Mutual influences, overlaps, and divergences between these two media.   - Television Archives: Different modes of archiving and the preservation of television memory.

We welcome articles that incorporate diverse methodological approaches, including historiographic, aesthetic, technological, cultural, and transdisciplinary perspectives. Submissions may also consider regional or global contexts and comparative analyses.  

Submission Guidelines:
- Articles should be original and unpublished, written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.  
- Submissions should conform to the journal's formatting and referencing standards. For detailed guidelines, please visit our website:  
- Manuscripts must be submitted via the journal's online submission system no later than 31st March 2025. 

Important Dates:  
- Deadline for submissions: 31/03/2025
- Publication year: 2025

For inquiries regarding the dossier, please contact the editors at  

We look forward to receiving your contributions and to fostering critical dialogue on the transformations of television in contemporary audiovisual culture.  

Esther Hamburger & Cecília Mello  Editoras - Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual