Cinema, music and politics in The threepenny opera and Kuhle wampee
Kurt Weill, Hanns Eisler, Bertolt BrechtAbstract
This article develops a contextual analysis of the films Die dreigroschenoper (The threepenny opera, 1931) and Kuhle wampe (1932). We seek to show the different characterizations of the films political critique, through the relation between sound and image. Hence, the participation of the composers K. Weill and H. Eisler in the films is decisive. After observing the partnership between Brecht and Weill, we spotlight the trajectory of Eisler and his partnership with Brecht, through the conceptual prism of W. Benjamin, evaluating the music role in those films, to show the aesthetic and political correlation between image and sound, from the links between cinema, theater and avant-garde music.
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