Documentary Cinema and Genocide: towards an integral approach


  • Lior Zylberman CONICET, Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio/UNTREF, FADU-UBA



documentary cinema, genocide, motives, functions


A concept coined by Raphel Lemkin in 1944, genocide is considered the crime of crimes, in that direction documentary cinema, has played a preponderant role to know and testify about the various cases. This article is an advance of a larger investigation and it is proposed to introduce a multidisciplinary perspective that gathers and brings together the main contributions of genocide studies and documentary film studies. It is proposed to generate a systematization of the different approaches for the different cases with the objective to think recurrent motives in the representation of the cases, and rhetorical-aesthetic functions of the documentaries on genocides.


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Author Biography

  • Lior Zylberman, CONICET, Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio/UNTREF, FADU-UBA

    Investigador del CONICET y del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Profesor Titular de Sociología, carrera de Diseño de Imagen y Sonido, FADU-UBA. Actualmente lleva adelante un proyecto de investigación sobre la representación de los genocidios en el cine documental.



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How to Cite

Zylberman, L. (2018). Documentary Cinema and Genocide: towards an integral approach. Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 45(50), 223-238.