Tension in the ethnographic field

the thought of Jorge Prelorán


  • Javier Campo CONICET-UNICEN




Jorge Prelorán, ethnographic film, anthropology, politics


Jorge Prelorán was an Argentinian filmmaker who made more than sixty films between the 1960s and the 1990s. But he also spread his thoughts on ethnographic film through essays and interviews throughout his career. His encounters with the most outstanding scholars and directors were the basis on which he was building his critical reflections on the place of anthropology, politics and the most appropriate methods for making films “at the service” of others. This article aims to analyze Prelorán’s thought through his articles and interviews.


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Author Biography

  • Javier Campo, CONICET-UNICEN

    Javier Campo es doctor en Ciências Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador del Conicet. Codirector de la revista Cine Documental. Editor asociado de Latin American Perspectives. Profesor de Estética cinematográfica (Unicen). Autor de Revolución y democracia. El cine documental argentino del exilio (2017), Cine documental argentino. Entre el arte, la cultura y la política (2012), coeditor de A trail of fire for Political Cinema. The hour of the furnaces fifty years later (2019), compilador de Cine documental, memoria y derechos humanos (2007) y coautor de Directory of world cinema. Argentina (2014), World film locations: Buenos Aires (2014), entre otras publicaciones. Miembro del Centro de Investigación y Nuevos Estudios sobre Cine (FFyL-UBA).


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How to Cite

Campo, J. (2019). Tension in the ethnographic field: the thought of Jorge Prelorán. Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 46(52). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2019.151048