Tereza Trautman and Os homens que eu tive: a history on cinema and censorship


  • Ana Maria Veiga UFSC




Tereza Trautman, Os homens que eu tive, cinema, history, censorship.


Beyond politics, the moral censorship was widely practiced in Brazil toward films that contested the military patterns of conduct. In the context of erotic cinema, promoted by Embrafilme, a young director saw her dreams sink in 1973 with a censorship act. This article analyses the interdiction of the film Os homens que eu tive [the men that I’ve had], by Tereza Trautman, as a representative element of arbitrariness with its basis on moral and good habits, strongly emphasized from the military coup d’état.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Maria Veiga, UFSC

    Professora substituta do Departamento de História da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Doutora em História Cultural com a tese Cineastas brasileiras em tempos de ditadura: cruzamentos, fugas, especificidades (UFSC, 2013). Tem experiência profissional em realização audiovisual. E-mail: amveiga@yahoo.com.br



How to Cite

Tereza Trautman and Os homens que eu tive: a history on cinema and censorship. (2013). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 40(40), 52-73. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2013.71671