Neither here nor there. Site and work of memory in Récits d´Ellis Island


  • Henri Pierre Arraes Gervaiseau Universidade de São Paulo


Palabras clave:

documentário, lugar de memória, Ellis Island


Between 1978 and 1980, the moviemaker Robert Bober and the writer Georges Perec made a documentary named Récits d´Ellis Island (Tales of Ellis Island). This paper analyzes Traces, the first of the two acts, which are relatively independent in the movie. The shooting strategies adopted in the exploration of the territory of Ellis Island are analyzed, as well as the association created by the montage between the planes recorded in loco and the commentary written by Perec in order to discuss the singularity of the narrative constructed by the film and question the island’s existence as a place of memory.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Henri Pierre Arraes Gervaiseau, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor titular (CTR-ECA/USP) e cineasta.


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Referências audiovisuais

RÉCITS d´Ellis Island: Traces. Robert Bober. Roteiro: Georges Perec. França, 1980.



Cómo citar

Neither here nor there. Site and work of memory in Récits d´Ellis Island. (2020). Significação: Revista De Cultura Audiovisual, 47(53), 223-242.