Nursing care in Urgency/Urgency/Emergency to people who attempt suicide




Nursing Care, Suicide Attempted, Emergency Services Psychiatric, Mental Health, Social Stigma


Objective: this is an integrative review that aimed to characterize emergency/emergency nursing
care for people who attempt suicide. Method: the search contemplated the CINAHL®, SCOPUS®, SciElo®, LILACS®, MEDLINE® and Google Academic® databases in the period from 2011 to 2018. Results: From the universe of 5900 studies, 16 articles were selected for the corpus of in-depth analysis. Three central axes emerged: characterization of the suicide theme, work and perception
of nursing in care and aspects involving care in the area of urgency/emergency. Conclusion: the
results of the studies pointed out the importance of deepening the theme, especially regarding the social stigma that the Nursing professional presents when caring for a person in a suicide
attempt, in order to bring improvements to care.


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How to Cite

Fontão, M. C., Rodrigues, J., Lino, M. M., & Lino, M. M. (2020). Nursing care in Urgency/Urgency/Emergency to people who attempt suicide. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(4), 122-132.