Mental health care and primary health care as a training field for nurses




Mental Health, Primary Health Care, Nursing, Education


Objective: to present the view of two students from the last year of an undergraduate nursing program at a federal higher-education institution concerning a primary health care service and the network care provided to individuals with mental suffering. Method: this is a descriptive experience report presented through a narrative, which was produced from records on field diaries. Results: there is a lack of articulation between theory and practice in the network care provided to individuals with mental suffering; the need to observe the practice scenario in articulation with the reality where the service operates is considered. Conclusion: the students’ point of view contributes to the reflection on the teaching practice in mental health as a component that permeates global health.


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Original Article

How to Cite

Dias, B. J. de M. C., Resende, F. M. de O., Regne, G. R. S., Reinaldo, A. M. dos S., Pereira, M. O., & Tavares, M. L. de O. (2020). Mental health care and primary health care as a training field for nurses. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(2), 49-56.