Reasons and feelings that link crack use to suicide attempt




Crack cocaine, Suicide, Suicide attempted, Health care


Objective: to know the reasons and feelings that influenced crack users to attempt suicide. Method: qualitative research carried out at a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and other drugs. Ten users participated in the study. Semi-structured interview and thematic analysis were performed. Results: social vulnerability, first contact with the drug and the time of use associated with abuse were factors that influenced the depressive symptoms and lack of motivation to live and that served as a trigger for attempted suicide. Conclusion: the reasons elected by the participants to end their lives expose, to health professionals, the need to qualify listening and attending in a way that welcomes the individual and social demands of people who use crack.


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How to Cite

Weiser, A. V., Oliveira, M. M., Ramos, C. I., Weiss, C. V., Lemos, D. S. C., & Silveira, K. L. (2020). Reasons and feelings that link crack use to suicide attempt. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(4), 58-64.