Drug use and abuse among university students and their interface with public policies


  • Elisa Carneiro Pereira Camargo Prefeitura Municipal de Monsenhor. MG, Brazil
  • Jamila Souza Gonçalves Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas, Passos, MG, Brazil
  • Adriana Olimpia Barbosa Felipe Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, MG, Brazil
  • Silvana Maria Coelho Leite Fava Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, MG, Brazil
  • Márcia Maria Fontão Zago Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto. PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
  • Eliza Maria Rezende Dázio Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, MG, Brazil




Students, University, Drug Abuse, Public Policy


Objective: to analyze the meaning of the use and abuse of alcohol and / or other drugs among university students in accordance with Brazilian public policies on drugs. Method: 49 university students from a Public Institution of Higher Education in the Southeast region of Brazil participated. Results: Bardin’s Content Analysis elaborated the analytical category: “Dissonance between public policies and the meaning of drug use among university students”. Drug use and abuse begin in adolescence; Stimulated by family and friends, and refers to the happiness and flight of problems. Conclusion: it is fundamental to know the meaning of drug use and abuse, from the perspective of the university for the elaboration and implementation of public policies.


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How to Cite

Camargo, E. C. P., Gonçalves, J. S., Felipe, A. O. B., Fava, S. M. C. L., Zago, M. M. F., & Dázio, E. M. R. (2019). Drug use and abuse among university students and their interface with public policies. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 15(4), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1806-6976.smad.2019.000364