The use of alcoholic beverage among pregnant teens


  • Tarcila Cristina Rodrigues Cândido
  • Gabriela Coutinho Ferreira
  • Denis da Silva Moreira Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Bárbara de Oliveira Prado Sousa
  • Samara Macedo Cordeiro
  • Evellin Ribeiro Alfredo
  • Adriana Olimpia Barbosa Felipe Universidade Federal de Alfenas



Adolescent, Alcoholic Beverages, Pregnant Women, Nursing


Objective: to identify the consumption of alcoholic beverages among pregnant adolescents. Method: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The participants were 27 pregnant adolescents enrolled in the Family Health Strategy. Results: 54% reported using alcohol in the last 12 months and 7.4% had a chance of being diagnosed with alcohol dependence. Of the 5 participants who reported being in the second gestation, 80% reported having used alcohol in the previous pregnancy. Regarding the risk on alcohol consumption pattern, it was identified that 81.4% are in zone I, 14.8% in zone II and 7.4% in zone IV. Conclusion: the need for actions to prevent alcohol use during gestation and the relevance of the role of nurses in the integral followup during prenatal care is reafirmed.


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How to Cite

Cândido, T. C. R., Ferreira, G. C., Moreira, D. da S., Sousa, B. de O. P., Cordeiro, S. M., Alfredo, E. R., & Felipe, A. O. B. (2019). The use of alcoholic beverage among pregnant teens. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 15(4), 1-8.