Alcoholism among hypertensive patients assisted by Primary Health Care and its implications: Notes for health care




Alcoholic Beverages, Hypertension, Primary Health Care, Health Assistance


Objective: to describe the profile of alcoholism and its implications for the health of hypertensive
users of Primary Health Care services. Methodology: a descriptive and qualitative research
study, carried out in a Primary Care Center from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Characterization data were
collected and an in-depth individual interview was carried out with a semi-structured script with
40 hypertensive patients aged ≥18 years old. The data were analyzed according to the content
supported by the SPSS, version 26, and IRaMuTeQ software programs. All ethical-legal aspects of
the research were met. Results: the participants were mostly old people, married, with children,
light drinkers, with beer as the most consumed beverage. The content analysis showed six discursive
categories that portrayed alcoholism and its influences on the participants’ life and health, as
well as the justifications for this social habit. Conclusion: even if light, alcoholism interferes in
people’s lives in many ways, not limited to health; however, for having a considerable impact on
it, the problem deserves extra attention, especially in the scope of care planning.


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How to Cite

Melo, L. D. de, Brandão, J. de L. ., Silva, L. A. de F., Rodrigues, J. S. ., Rosendo, A. A., & Silva, P. H. B. (2023). Alcoholism among hypertensive patients assisted by Primary Health Care and its implications: Notes for health care. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 19(1), 41-51.