Psychosocial Care Centers for alcohol and other drugs: overview of implementation




Regional Health Planning, Mental Health Assistance, Alcoholic Beverages, Illicit Drugs, Public Health Services


Objective: to analyze the implementation of Psychosocial Care Centers for alcohol and other
drugs in a region of the national territory. Methodology: this is a thematic section of a
cross-sectional study on the implementation of the Psychosocial Care Network in the region,
based on the organization and analysis of information collected from government databases and
consultation with the National Mental Health Coordination. The 853 municipalities in the region
were considered and, after organizing the data in a single database, indicators of implementation
of the Psychosocial Care Network and the services that comprise it were produced. The indicator
values were analyzed considering the coverage established by the Ministry of Health and the
classification of the state’s health regions based on socioeconomic development, supply and
complexity of services. Results: the region has good implementation of Psychosocial Care
Centers, with 369 units and an implementation index of 1.41. Of these, those focused on
alcohol and other drugs represent 58 units, and the implementation rate for this service is 0.30.
Conclusion: the implementation of alcohol and drug services is at an initial stage in the region
researched, characterized by regional heterogeneity, which should guide strategies for expanding
and strengthening these services.


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How to Cite

Alves Guimarães, D. ., de Sousa Ribeiro, N. A. ., Andrade Araújo Coelho, V. ., & Pegolo da Gama, C. A. . (2024). Psychosocial Care Centers for alcohol and other drugs: overview of implementation. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 20, e-218260.

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