O samba mais bonito do mundo
Palabras clave:
Tom Jobim, "Waters of March”, Brazilian songResumen
“Águas de março” (uWaters of March”, 1972) could be an emblem of Tom Jobims art of song. The Crossing of several different elements, drawn from both popular and high culture, results in a specialfrom of musical, poetic and sentimental balance. Such a balance is due in greatpart to the human work of composition, which adds new layers of meaning to the lyrics. Here the Brazilian vocation for song — a unique wayfor culture to understand and show itself— approaches its own limit, ali the more remarkable (and ali the more generous) for being so modestDescargas
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O envio de artigos por seus autores pressupõe a cessão dos direitos de publicação à revista Teresa.
Cómo citar
Nestrovski, A. (2003). O samba mais bonito do mundo. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 4-5, 130-143. https://periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/116372