A voz: entre a palavra e a melodia
Hjelmslev, vocal music, instrumental music, semiotics, glossematicsAbstract
The delicate balance between words and music displayed in popular songs is closely linked to the double nature of the human voice, an instrument of speech and of music at once In this work the author argues that a revival o f the formalist theories of language, in particular the glossematics of Hjelmslev, could lighten the array of relationships, affinities, and encounters between music and words. Undoubtedly, a song theory would profitfrom this approach specially when it comes to the popular song geme, one of the richest and most compelling resultsfrom this meetingDownloads
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O envio de artigos por seus autores pressupõe a cessão dos direitos de publicação à revista Teresa.
How to Cite
Carmo Junior, J. R. do. (2003). A voz: entre a palavra e a melodia. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 4-5, 215-227. https://periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/116382