O livro-mundo. Milton Hatoum e a literatura do presente
Milton Hatoum, theory of modernity, comparative literatureAbstract
This essay starts from the premise that the work of Milton Hatoum faces the impasses of the literary modernity, impasses which result from a wearing out and weariness feeling already experienced by the socalled modern literature in the very act of its institution, that is, in the decaying culture of the end of the XIX century. The proposed question is that the wearing out experience is the experience of literature itself and, therefore, wouldn’t be restricted to modernity. However, it’s the modern literature which brings forth the discourse of malaise towards this wearing outDownloads
Literatura Brasileira do Presente: Tendências
O envio de artigos por seus autores pressupõe a cessão dos direitos de publicação à revista Teresa.
How to Cite
Scramim, S. C. L. (2010). O livro-mundo. Milton Hatoum e a literatura do presente. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 10-11, 218-237. https://periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/116860