Edgar Quinet e o romantismo
Edgar Quinet, French Romanticism, AhasvérusAbstract
Edgar Quinet’s work revolves around three themes. The first one focuses on historical approaches with a strong religious accent: Le génie des religions, Les jésuites, L’essai sur la vie de Jésus Christ etc. The second one deals exclusively with political issues as Les révolutions d’Italie and La campagne de 1815. The last one is noticed in works that emphasize literary themes, as Vie et mort du génie grec and La poésie épique, culminating in the author’s fictional creation, especially in Ahasvérus.Downloads
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Dossiê: Poéticas do Romantismo
O envio de artigos por seus autores pressupõe a cessão dos direitos de publicação à revista Teresa.
How to Cite
Silva, A. A. da. (2013). Edgar Quinet e o romantismo. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 12-13, 287-306. https://periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/99391