Caramuru, o mito: conquista e conciliação


  • David Treece King’s College London


Caramuru, Santa Rita Durão, Romanticism


This essay attempts to trace the history of the Caramuru myth, whereas the versions of Santa Rita Durão and others express various attitudes related to colonization and nationality. The important reevaluation of the myth in the nineteenth century was essential to the story. At that time, Romanticism and the liberal ideology rejected the notion of racial conciliation that lies at the heart of the legend of Caramuru


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Author Biography

  • David Treece, King’s College London
    David Treece é professor do Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies do King’s College London e autor de Exilados, aliados e rebeldes: o movimento indianista, a política indigenista e o Estado-nação imperial (São Paulo: Nankin Ed./edusp, 2008) e The gathering of voices: the twentieth-century poetry of Latin America (London/New York: Verso Books, 1993), escrito em parceria com Mike González.



How to Cite

Treece, D. (2013). Caramuru, o mito: conquista e conciliação. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 12-13, 307-344.