Entre texto e contexto: a ambiguidade do romance Os brahamanes (1866), de Francisco Luís Gomes
Romanticism, Portuguese language Goan literature, Portuguese literature, novel, Francisco Luís GomesAbstract
This article examines The Brahmans (1866), a novel written by Francisco Luís Gomes (1829-69), and reflects on its ideological and formal composition. Because this novel is little known, it begins by presenting the author, the novel and the context of its publication. After that, the article comments on some texts about the novel. Finally, it offers some observations about the ambiguous structure of the novel and about why we should continue to study it today.Downloads
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Dossiê: Poéticas do Romantismo
O envio de artigos por seus autores pressupõe a cessão dos direitos de publicação à revista Teresa.
How to Cite
Garmes, H. (2013). Entre texto e contexto: a ambiguidade do romance Os brahamanes (1866), de Francisco Luís Gomes. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 12-13, 345-361. https://periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/99397