Machado Maxixe: Ocaso Pestana
Palabras clave:
Machado de Assis, ‘A celebrity man”, literature and music, popular and erudite, polka and maxixeResumen
The shortstory “A celebrity marí’is the nucleus ofa series oftexts, among chronicles, short stories, and romance in which writer Machado de Assis gives music a privilegedplace. Behind the cleargap between the popular and the erudite in Brazil, itaddresses the nonnamed emergency of the maxixe which disguisedly tackles the issues ofslavery and the mixing of races. Abolition, Monarchy, and Republic are ali converted into elements of a musical interpretation ofHistory. This short story also prefigures problematic issues thatplayed an important role in Brazilian music of the 20th centuryDescargas
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O envio de artigos por seus autores pressupõe a cessão dos direitos de publicação à revista Teresa.
Cómo citar
Wisnik, J. M. (2003). Machado Maxixe: Ocaso Pestana. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 4-5, 13-79.