Para ler as cartas do Pe. Antônio Vieira (1626-1697)


  • João Adolfo Hansen Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas


Scholastic metaphysics, Iberian political-theology, rhetoric, ars dictaminis, mystical body, welfare, letters


The letters from Pe.(Priest) Antônio Vieira, written or dictated in several locations either in Portuguese America or Europe, between 1626 and 1697, are not neutral vehicles for their empirical substance. They are, in fact, symbolic products resulting from an official writing practice integrated to Portuguese and Roman “Catholic policySubordinated to the rules of the Company of Jesus and to the demands from Portuguese crown, the letters’ content require a contextualized interpretation, since they played several roles during the period, in accordance with the two genres 0/ ars dictaminis, familiar and official. The essay specifies metaphysical, political-theological and rhetorical categories that organize and interpret their content


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Author Biography

  • João Adolfo Hansen, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
    é professor de Literatura Brasileira da Universidade de São Paulo





Temas e Tempos

How to Cite

Hansen, J. A. (2008). Para ler as cartas do Pe. Antônio Vieira (1626-1697). Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 8-9, 264-299.