Simões Lopes Neto e Guimarães Rosa: a literatura e o luto no sertão
Simões Lopes Neto, Guimarães Rosa, sertão, regionalist literature in BrazilAbstract
This brief study presents an outline of a discussion that has barely begun: review of the literature on the Brazilian interior, here referred to as the sertão,with the aim of understanding it as an act of mourning for a world that is gradually absorbed by the logic of cities, markets and merchandise. At the center of the discussion are two figures of enormous literary value: Simões Lopes Neto, from Rio Grande do Sul, and Guimarães Rosa, from Minas Gerais. The study begins with an analysis of the broad context of Simões’ literary production, followed by an examination of certain connections between his work and that of Rosa.Downloads
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How to Cite
Fischer, L. A. (2014). Simões Lopes Neto e Guimarães Rosa: a literatura e o luto no sertão. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 14, 175-190.