The relation between evaluative stances and narratological elements in an audio description script for theatre




Audio description, Appraisal system, Narratology, Theatre


The question of neutrality in audio description (AD) has been discussed by professionals and researchers. Following several studies started by Praxedes Filho and Magalhães (2013, 2015), this article analyzes if evaluative stances identified via the Appraisal System (AS) in the AD script of the play Miralu and the Magic Telescope (Miralu e a Luneta Encantada) can be related to narratological elements. For this purpose, we have adopted a corpus-based methodology, using categories of AS, up to the second level of delicacy, as well as narratological ones based on Jiménez Hurtado (2010) and Pavis (2011, 2015). As a result, we have found 166 co-occurrences of evaluative stances and narratological elements, among which there are 73 (43,98%) associated to gesture, 42 (25,30%) to costume and 40 (24,10%) to lighting descriptions. These findings suggest that these co-occurrences are probably not coincidental, taking into consideration that other studies have already pointed out the importance of subjective description in the AD scripts.


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Author Biographies

  • Janaína Vieira Taillade Abud, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics from State University of Ceará (UECE). Currently studying to obtain a PhD in Linguistics Studies from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Researcher in audio description.

  • Vera Lúcia Santiago Araújo, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

    PhD in Arts from USP with post-doctorate from UFMG. Currently, teaching and advising at Post-Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (PosLA) and Post-Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) from State University of Ceará. Researcher level 2 for CNPq. Has professional experience in the field of Applied Linguistics, especially in Translation, working mainly with the following subjects: audiovisual translation, subtitle for the deaf and hard of hearing and audio description.


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How to Cite

Vieira Taillade Abud, J., & Santiago Araújo, V. L. (2020). The relation between evaluative stances and narratological elements in an audio description script for theatre. TradTerm, 36, 47-71.