The challenges of translating political humor into Portuguese: translation choices for Tutta Casa, Letto and Chiesa by Franca Rame e Dario Fo


  • Amanda Bruno de Mello Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Translation, Theater, Dario Fo and Franca Rame, Humor, Tutta Casa, Letto e Chiesa


The play Tutta Casa, Letto e Chiesa (1977) by Franca Rame and Dario Fo is composed by six monologues for an actress, written in a period of great political polarization in Italy. Its guiding thread is the condition of women, as well as the struggle for greater equality. The monologues have a comic tone, epic elements and are related to the Italian political context of the time. Translating them into Portuguese was challenging for several reasons, many of which can be grouped in the dilemma of reconciling antagonistic elements: the viewer must have at least a certain familiarity with the themes treated so that laughter can happen, as theorized Bergson (2020); beyond the importance of maintaining, in translation, the references to the political context. This paper analyzes three situations in which this dilemma manifested itself, presents the translation choices and its justifications.


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Author Biography

  • Amanda Bruno de Mello, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Mestre em Letras: Estudos Literários pelo Pós-Lit/UFMG e doutoranda na mesma instituição, com bolsa CAPES.


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Número Especial III JOTA

How to Cite

Mello, A. B. de. (2021). The challenges of translating political humor into Portuguese: translation choices for Tutta Casa, Letto and Chiesa by Franca Rame e Dario Fo. TradTerm, 38, 81-90.