Adaptation, translation: what's in a name?




Adaptation, Translation, Definition, Literatura, Film


For some time now, the fields of Adaptation Studies and Translation Studies have been mutually waving at a certain distance from each other, in a contact often marked by a possible fear of mischaracterization or loss of identity of each of these areas of investigation. In fact, adaptation theories have widely used the term ‘translation’ to represent the process of transformation that can occur between different textual architectures. In turn, scholars and, in particular, translation professionals use the term ‘adaptation’ to describe procedures that actually represent the translation act itself. This use of ‘adaptation’ seems to create a special comfort zone that could shelter anything that would be a deviation from the idolatry positions to the ‘original text’. Examining the ways in which such terms are used, especially in Brazil, can help us to rethink their definitions and limits.


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How to Cite

Hattnher, A. L. (2023). Adaptation, translation: what’s in a name?. TradTerm, 44, 11-20.