“La Tribu”: a case of multiple adaptations within the narrative of a fictional Spanish movie


  • Anna Catharina de Mendonça Paes Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas




Adaptation and Intersemiotic Translation, Spanish movie La Tribu, Viral Video, Flash mob, Dance


The Spanish movie La Tribu allows us to explore possibilities of meaning in different means of communication within the narrative. It starts with a viral video exposing Fidel to public humiliation, making him lose his job and his wife. Alongside Fidel’s ruin and depression, a reggaeton singer records a hit song inspired by Fidel and the hit becomes a videoclip with its own choreography. The objective is to describe four processes of intersemiotic translation or adaptation: from video to news, video to song, from song to choreography in a videoclip, from videoclip to flash mob. Based on concepts such as intersemiotic translation (Jakobson 2003 [1969]), refractions (Lefevere 2012 [2000]) and Linda Hutcheon’s “A Theory of Adaptation” (2013 [2006]), it becomes possible to see each form of adaptation in the movie from different perspectives. The method is a case study, which considers context and specificities of the movie.


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How to Cite

Paes, A. C. de M. (2023). “La Tribu”: a case of multiple adaptations within the narrative of a fictional Spanish movie. TradTerm, 44, 266-285. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-9511.v44p266-285