A terminologia empregada aos criminosos e/ou infratores pela polícia civil do Rio Grande do Sul


  • Maria Izabel Plath da Costa




Judicial Police, legal-police terminology, conceptual maps.


The Civilian Police, or the Judicial Police, has as its core activity to criminal prosecution, anchoring the action which, in theory, culminating in the process that generates the sentence. For the criminal prosecution, the police record  your steps through specialized texts, composed of technical terms specific to this specialized area, the documents making up the procedures that are instituted to ascertain the fact that was recorded by people. In the legal sphere, the terms employed by the Judicial Police are legal-police terms. However, due to the stigmatization of the target activity, these terms are not included in the legal dictionaries. The experts who use the the range of terminology legal-police pick given terminology based on empiricism, and these cognitive choices assure the applicability of criminal law. The  present study describes the work of the Judicial Police, the procedures that are instituted for the applicability of criminal law and terminological units (UTs) to employed participants in these procedures. Through the representation of these UTs on conceptual maps of the type hierarchy, has been established that the UTs to designate the person who commits the crime or the offense, have a hierarchical relationship between them.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Izabel Plath da Costa

    Mestra em Estudos Linguisticos do Léxico pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

    Mestra e doutoranda em Letras no Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Inspetora e docente na Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Interesse na linguagem jurídico-policial.

    Principais publicações: A diversidade terminológica dos partícipes nos procedimentos da Polícia Civil do Rio Grande do Sul: Cadernos do IL. n. 40. A textualidade no Termo de Declaração de inquéritos policiais  de homicídio sem autoria conhecida: Cadernos do IL. n. 40. Proposta parcial de organização e análise da terminologia da polícia civil: os modus operandi furto chuca, furto descuido, furto mão grande e furto punga. Debate Terminológico. n. 06.






How to Cite

Costa, M. I. P. da. (2012). A terminologia empregada aos criminosos e/ou infratores pela polícia civil do Rio Grande do Sul. TradTerm, 19, 248-264. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-9511.tradterm.2012.47354