Terminology of Aeronautical Meteorology Codes: a systematization by using corpus




Palabras clave:

Terminology, Specialized Lexicography, Corpus, Validation, Aviation, Aeronautical Meteorology


Standardizing terminology is very important to maintain the accuracy of information being disseminated, mainly in specialized fields such as Aeronautical Meteorology. Based on terminology (Pavel; Nolet 2001; Cabré 1999 and 2003) and corpora (Santos 2008 and 2014; Tognini-Bonelli 2011) theoretical foundations, definitions and translation to Portuguese of expressions and terms contained in Table 4678, concerning the main meteorology codes, as prescribed by the World Meteorological Organization (2011), were discussed. As a result, a systematization for terminological procedures is proposed, by using corpora with set validation standards. In this way, this paper intends to contribute to avoid misunderstandings regarding the criticality level of meteorological situations being communicated during air traffic operations.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Rafaela Araújo Jordão Rigaud Peixoto, Department of Airspace Control, Subdepartment of Operations, Standards Division

    Translator and Researcher at the Department of Airspace Control, Subdepartment of Operations, Standards Division. PhD in Language Studies (PUC-Rio), MA in Linguistics (UFPE) and Graduate Specialist in Translation (UGF).


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Cómo citar

Peixoto, R. A. J. R. (2021). Terminology of Aeronautical Meteorology Codes: a systematization by using corpus. Tradterm, 37(1), 175-204. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-9511.v37p175-204